Zone Identification Widget - Holy Makkah Municipality (HMM) - GeoPortal

Abdelhameed Hamdy

Zone Identification service is a web application widget related to HMM GeoPortal (Makkah GIS Explorer), it offers identifying a CAD, Excel or data entry polygon's location among a set of HMM spatial layers, and exporting a PDF layout with the identification result.

How widget works

The widget starts by accepting a CAD, Excel file with specific requirements, or local coordinates data entries by user containing the polygon, then selecting set of required layers to identify across, and start inovking the indentification service, the service responds with the identification result and allow the user to export a PDF layout contains the spatial geometry with a satellite view and the corrosponding result.

Technology stack used

ArcGIS Server/ArcMap/ArcPy, HTML5, JavaScript, Adobe Flex, ActionScript.

Associated with Al-Moammar Information Systems

Scope of work

Designing & developing a UI/UX as a web widget.
Developing a Permit License Layout GeoProcessing web service using ArcPy.
Integrating with HMM SDI services.

presentation demo

Demo Link