AbdelHameed Hamdy

GIS & Applications Development Consultant | Software Engineer

Real-time Live Map - showing real time bus locations in Finland

Making use of a public REST API real-time for bus locations service in Finland,introspected as openApi data source with liveQuery enabled, and rendering geo-event stream on a map component.

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GIS Mobile Application - Royal Commission for Jubail (RCJ) Maps v2.0

RCJ Maps is a spatial-based mobile service that provides detailed information about geographical sites. In addition to conventional road maps and streets, RCJ Maps offers satellite views of many locations in Jubail region and spatial layers include zone parcels, block boundaries, point of interests, districts and census data.

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Kroucky Layout Automation - Holy Makkah Municipality (HMM) - GeoPortal

Kroucky Layout Automation is a web application widget related to HMM GeoPortal (Makkah GIS Explorer), it provides a workflow automation for registering investment parcels owned by HMM into Oracle Siebel CRM automatically, in addition to issuing layouts from the GeoPortal integrated with HMM REST/Map Services.

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Subdivisions Permits Automation - Holy Makkah Municipality (HMM) - GeoPortal

Subdivisions Permits Automation is a web application widget related to HMM GeoPortal (Makkah GIS Explorer), it provides a workflow automation for processing/issuing subdivision plans permits through loading CAD files from local engineering offices.

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Zone Identification Widget - Holy Makkah Municipality (HMM) - GeoPortal

Zone Identification service is a web application widget related to HMM GeoPortal (Makkah GIS Explorer), it offers identifying a CAD, Excel or data entry polygon's location among a set of HMM spatial layers, and exporting a PDF layout with the identification result.

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Building Requirements Widget - Holy Makkah Municipality (HMM) - GeoPortal

Building Requirements service is a web application widget related to HMM GeoPortal (Makkah GIS Explorer), it offers exporting a PDF layouts (krouckies) directly from HMM GeoPortal for parcels and subdivision plans.

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